Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Great online game
its an online game where you can play white naruto and bleach characters evil vs good or naruto vs bleach.
Have fun and start you're journey now
Highlight Features
Pockie Ninja is the first anime-based browser game that features "One character, multi-classes", which changes the traditional notion that "one character can only play one class". Besides the handy operation of browser game, you'll also enjoy the fun of using diversified manga characters. Meanwhile, pockie ninja also have six distinguish features:
1. Synthesis
Synthesis of variety brings unlimited innovation. A random combination of any three items can achieve unexpected result. Pockie Ninja has a unique synthetic system, which allows players to synthesize any items. Up to thousands combination will let players experience the fun of creation and innovation.
2. Exploration
Wilderness is not just for battle, explore different scenes also have surprises. Every explorable map has its own mode, revealing new elements even after several searches. With the raise of exploration level, rewards will be upgraded as well.
3. Animation Outfit
Hundreds of different outfits offer plentiful attributes and skills. Costumes in Pockie Ninja is not simply a clothe show, they will change player's attributes, skills and equipments, providing a list of class options for players to chooses.
4. Ninjutsu Skill
Pockie Ninja has a diversified skill system, including Fire Release, Water Release, Earth Release, Wind Release, Thunder Release, Vitality, Seal, Ninja item, Illusion, Healing, each of which contains five main skills. By careful tactic combination, players can get various combat modes emphasizing attack, defense or counter attack, etc.
5. World Tournament
The World Tournament is a place for you to contest with other heroes and fight for the championship. From top 16 to top 8, from the final four to semifinals, the strongest player will win the contest. Meanwhile, players can also bet on every battle to win lavish rewards.
6. National League
System will pick eligible players who meet the rank requirement to participate National League. On the basis of accumulated score, player will attend C-rank league, B-rank league, A-rank league, S-rank league. Only winners of S-rank league are qualified for W-rank championship. Only the strongest can have the chance to win. Each team contest offers unique trophy, which can be synthesized. Player may be granted with generous rewards after synthesis.
Pockie Ninja is an anime-themed browser game. You'll play the role of a ninja who is entrusted with a mission to defeat the most vicious and destructive evil forces. As the last hope of the world and the Chosen One, you need to protect Angel City, rescue sealed animals and restore natural balance by means of constant efforts and extraordinary ninja skills. By exploring the Demon City, some untold secrets are gradually unveiled as well.
Behind the mist of Angel City and deep in the thorn forest hides a wasted land — Demon City. It used to be evil warrior's shelter, but now is very closely guarded. No one can step into the city without permission.
300 years ago, evil warriors were sealed in Demon City. The evil warriors were led by world's most wicked demon, who was notorious for his formidable power and ruthlessness. At his command, the vicious army attacked affluent villages, trying to control the whole world. Disasters befell all villages and residents. They were finally defeated by the Master of Ninja, the supreme leader of Angel City and five villages. A mystic ninjutsu and a secret plot were buried together with the demons at that time.
However, happiness seemed to be short-lived...
Restless souls in Demon City wake up form the seal and escaped the city.
By using forbidden ninjutsu on innocent animals, turning them into puppet warriors, the evils planed to invade Angel City, release their leader and rule the world again. The abuse of forbidden ninjutsu have caused rapid environment deterioration. Tsunami and earthquake began to erode this once blissful land.
Danger's looming to Angel City once again. The Master noticed a number of ominous signs, but couldn't find out the truth. Hence, the Five Elders were asked to start an investigation.
The Elders then sent ninja and samurai to the bramble forest. However, none of them returned...
As time went by, there were not much powerful ninja left in the village, except some youngsters. They were regarded as the last hope to complete this task. Likewise, the destiny of the world was in their hands...
Monday, April 25, 2011
naruto-stupid mf
For some reason i like this Amv so i decided to make it the Amv of the week even if its stuped like the name i like it and its not my first pick so i decides to put an other link down below
song - stupid MF (mother fucker)
artist - (MSI) Mindless self indulgence
anime - naruto
enjoy =]
and i love comments btw
artist - (MSI) Mindless self indulgence
anime - naruto
enjoy =]
and i love comments btw
Subscribe to 55bruce55
School after easter
its time for school again and i have no new stuff to post so i will post some anime school pics
Some are school and some are just that the are attending a school trough the story line.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Disney is not anime
I just finished the Disney movie goofy the movie and i just started thinking that cartoon is not anime and anime is not cartoon like bugs bunny is not anime but Pokemon is and that was a cartoon before we started to call it anime so what do you think what is anime and what is ordinary animation. (comment down below ↓)
Its not only japan that makes anime so it docent really mater from what country it comes from it has sings.
i can call this old because cartoon has gotten beater over the years and the ordinary cartoon been closer to anime more and more but its not anime yet its animation but not anime.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I haven't been blogging but i'm back now for daily blogging lets start white a game
The games name should be known for any otaku or manga and anime fans because its the best game when you can play white you're favorite character like Luffy from One piece or Naruto its so cool.
If you haven't bought the game or don't have the money just download a emulator and the game i will put a link for them both here.$
For me the story is not a big deal you just go in a ship in the galaxy and travel to different world that are manga,anime worlds and defeat characters white you're power
just go white the flow to different worlds
never played so don't now
2d in Super Smash Brothers fighting game
great music form different anime and mangas
best game ever
here some info about the game from
With all the new next generation console systems finally out on the market, what could possibly be making me put down my Xbox 360 and Wii controllers in favor of a Nintendo DS imported 2D fighter featuring manga characters where everything is written in Japanese (a language I can't read or speak). I've got three words for you – Pure. Gaming. Bliss.
Not quite sure what the story of the game is or even if there is one, because like I said, the game is imported over from Japan, and I can't make heads or tails of the language, but what I do know is this: the Jump magazines are a big hit in Japan, featuring a ton of different manga series collected in each volume, and Shonen Jump is even a popular manga over here (one in which I happen to collect). Jump Ultimate Stars takes the characters from all the series covered in the Jump series, and puts them together and makes them battle it out with each other. Some characters are playable, some are support, and some give you bonuses. You'll work your way through the galaxy, visiting various themed worlds based on each series, and unlocking these character cards as you go.
So since there is no possible way for me to know the exact story, and thus you probably won't either unless you know the language, you should still absolutely get this game if you are a manga or anime fan who knows their stuff, because though it is in a foreign language, you wont really need to know any once you get a feel for where everything is and what unknown symbols do what. You won't know the names of all the worlds and characters and mission objectives if you don't know the moves, but there are FAQs out there to help you with what you don’t know.
The core of the single player game will be playing the story mode, traveling through the universe to visit the different theme worlds so that you can ultimately get to the end and unlock all the cards that you can. As you advance through the worlds, you'll have different missions open up, and to complete the world (and color it) you'll have to beat each mission and fulfill at least one mission objective in each mission. Many of the missions are things you can unlock naturally just by playing the game to best of your ability and trying to win the mission as quick as you can, while others require things like protect someone for so long, knock someone out with a support character, etc. There are also missions where you don't get to use your made decks, but rather must battle with what is designated for that particular level. It is here, where you can't read what you are supposed to do, a FAQ comes in real handy. You've also got the J-Arena that lets you advance up ranks through certain game types, allowing you to get some gems and practice up with your teams to see how good they are when put into battle.
The gems play an important part, because you must have them so that you can upgrade your player cards. You see, whenever you get a player card from playing through the single player game, it will always be a help card, and it will always be that unless you give away the gems needed to upgrade the card to a battle character or support character. There are several different colored gems that appear throughout play, though whether certain colors come from certain actions or not I couldn't tell you since I, once again, can't read anything in the game.
The cards play an important function in the game, as they are what is ultimately the reason while you keep playing, trying to perfect that ultimate deck. Instead of thinking of the deck like a battle deck of Magic cards, it would probably be best to call them a "page" as the cards are placed upon a square grid to make a full page that looks as if it would appear in a manga. Help characters are always one card and can easily be placed in any empty spot. Help cards, once placed, give the player they are attached to special abilities depending on what their specialty is. Help characters can also have special attachments depending on if they have like characteristics, such as two friends from the same manga
Battles all take place on relatively close levels, though it still gives you enough room to do some planning and yet always have the fighting tight and tense. The general idea is to do enough damage to either kill the character (their color starts bright and gets more black and white the farther the health depletes) or knock them off the level (much like Super Smash Brothers). Actually, if you are thinking the game sounds like Super Smash Brothers with manga characters, then you wouldn't be far off. At the end, whoever has the most points, wins the game. There are also both good and bad powerups scattered throughout the levels, hidden within chests and such, that will grant you improved power, reduced speed, health, poison, reverse your controls, etc.
The game is fun because there aren't too many complicated maneuvers to memorize like some fighters, but rather it comes to strategy and finding the best deck that works for you and knowing when to use your characters. In the game, the A-button jumps, B-button is a light attack, Y-button is a heavy attack, and the X-button is your special attacks. You can also switch characters by tapping on their portrait on the screen or pressing the L or R button they are attached to. Beyond pushing the buttons, by pressing on different directions on the directional pad (up, left or right, and down) you'll alter the move to something different. All in all, if I was to take a guess, there are about 10 to 12 moves per character. Though all the light and heavy attacks are available at all times, support characters and special attacks will only be available if your special gauge is built up enough so that a number appears to the side of it, showing how many times you can use one of the two.
If you can access the DS ability to play Wi-Fi games, then get ready to find the heart of the game: battling against human players. Since the game is only out in Japan and must be imported, you'll be playing players mostly from Japan, and though it takes a bit of time to find players to connect to and there is slowdown given how far away you are playing people from, it still remains a blast. These Japanese players are hardcore, and have all the top cards, so most of the time you'll be spent in awe wondering when you'll get those cards, but every so often you'll own someone, and you'll feel like the top player in the world. What's especially nice is that should you find a player with an absolutely top-notch deck, you can save their page info to your DS, and you can match up your own deck to look like that as long as you have the same cards; a great feature that lets you see who people are using and help you find combos you might not have thought would've worked.
Bright and cheerful, featuring a lot of pizzazz and flashy moves, everything looks extremely well animated, plus if you know anything about the manga or seen the anime, these characters look practically identical to their respective series.
The music is okay, but the sound of battling is what really sells the package, as they feature a ton of love, as the multi hits, fireballs, and all other sorts of maneuvers feature plenty of humor and impact depending on what the move calls for (a powerful palm hit or someone riding at you on a scooter).
If you love anime and manga and own a Nintendo DS (an American bought one will play this so no need to buy a Japanese DS to play) then you must get Jump Ultimate Stars. If you love Super Smash Brothers type fighting games, then you must get Jump Ultimate Stars. If you love quality games, then you must get Jump Ultimate Stars. Due to copyright laws, the game will probably never appear here in an English form, so suck up any fear about owning a Japanese game and import this one right away. If it were a RPG where story was everything, I'd tell you to pass, but since only the menus contain writing and it's all about the fighting, language isn't a barrier you need to worry about.
Friday, April 22, 2011
One piece story part
In one piece the are right now in a flashback i hate this flashback not that its bad it just makes me sad that the one and only ace is dead and he will never come back. The will of the fire is gone and i have been thinking if you die with a devil fruit and nobody can have the same devil fruit what will happend to the power will nobody ever have fire power like ace did. I want to now that if it has devil friuts tha have the same abilities like bo Hancock and foxy has the same style of a devil friut but works differently owww this is allot to think about what a day to think about this hope you will find the answer see ya otakus.
The only thing i now about about this is that Blackbeard took whitebeard powers but that only one thing.Thursday, April 21, 2011
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal watch or not
Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal is a great anime but i'm not gonna watch it i hope you all understand that this anime is just not my style so i will just post some pics from the anime hope you like them hihi :D
The anime is a fun series of Yu-Gi-Oh! and i do like it but i but its sill Yu-Gi-Oh! i'm watching pokemon and i think its enough to watch Pokemon then to watch this anime also hihi hope you all love the anime but not me ok see you all later otakus.

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